How our lives will be affected Post-Covid (Part 1)
After every major pandemic, the world’s wheel of alignment always encounters a major shift that affects generations later.
Here is how experts think our lives will be affected by after the Coronavirus pandemic.
In different parts of the world at these tough moments, governments are taking drastic steps to battle the deadly virus by declaring a shutdown of major activities and confining more than One-quarter of the world’s population to their homes.
Across different countries of the world, borders are closed, hotels and businesses shut down, no international flights except for delivery of aids and medical equipment, academic activities are restricted to online and economies of countries suffer a great setback, resulting in massive job loss and widespread hunger.
It does look like the future after this great set back remains uncertain. But analyst has different views as some of the lifestyles we were forced to adopt now could permanently remain our normal way of life.
Our work culture, academic delivery, business processes, and even worship styles is about to encounter a new pattern, not for the worse though but for the better.
So what does the future looks like?
Power to the Tech firms.
This pandemic could just be the gateway to a brand new digital revolution that could increase the tech firm’s market domination by more than 200%! We are about to experience a fatal decimation of the analog world and migrate to the new experience of digital firepower of the 21st century.
Even in this pandemic, we have been surviving with the help of technology. People are sitting at home, engaging each other on their smartphones via Facebook, Instagram, Zoom and other social platforms. I guess physical distancing has given way to online closeness.
We are expected to experience a stronger wave of technological domination, with more dependence on technology, with very little option for alternatives. We could experience the government’s willingness to increase the use of surveillance, which on the positive side could drastically help fight the virus and even future pandemic but on the other hand, citizen’s freedom and privacy could be threatened.
We could be facing new socio-political problems, but the present one we have might become more difficult to win as the wave of technology could also strengthen the threats.
These are just a few things that expert thinks could change after the global pandemic.